Tuesday, September 1, 2009

another quater of lovely 2009

with the name of Allah

salam everybody

1st of september
location: bilik guru
time: 4.09 p.m (finished classes oredi meh!)

today is the first day of school after second mid year break
for the first in the 8 month period i went back home to kedah.
i do miss abah,mak and my room..

in the mean time what can i say about myself is i do have some changes in MY LIFE

more smooth..more sabar..more polite..(after do the attitude adjusment caunseling)

the good news is i'm more sensitive..

alhamdulillah.thank you Allah..

i do have one male friend. after knowing him for a short time i can consider that he is also have

problems just like me..i mean the OLD MARYAM

but i really dont know how to tell him in very proper way that changing or improving himsels

isn't bad enough ..instead giving him the new strenght and the new spirit to him to proceed his

life to the better ones..

so to whom it may concern: (esp MR. HMKReez)

let's time healing you.. time never leave you behind..its all in your mind to decide..THINK WISELY FREN!

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